Erin Jones written by her grieving mom

Erin Leigh Fitzpatrick Jones made her Heavenly journey on March 2, 2006 at 23 years old. She was as beautiful inside as out and loved everyone. Her thoughts were always of others and she made the world a beautiful place for all who were close to her.

Friday, February 11, 2011

In my heart

In my heart I see a little girl, long blonde hair, bluest eyes you've ever seen leaning on her elbows on my side of the bed as I opened my eyes. "Momma, fix me some oatmeal" comes the sweetest little voice as I wake from a night's sleep. Oh, the memories .. how they flood my soul.
When I woke this morning I could hear that voice that became so familiar to me for 23 years. I saw a flicker of light and realized that you, my Erin, were near. I could hear you telling me it's gonna be all right. Jesus loves you more than you know. Don't worry about things. God has it all under control. And then you disappeared once again.
Last week,for the first time, I panicked as I realized I couldn't remember your voice. Then, just as suddenly as that thought came, I could hear you like you used to call saying, What are you doing, mama? or I could hear you calling Jeff so loudly he'd have to hear. I could see that time you'd get so tickled and laugh so hard. You laughed with your eyes as well as your beautiful smile. And I loved every minute of it. I just took for granted that you would always be here, laughing or talking with me on the phone or driving in my driveway and just wanting to spend time with your mama, daddy, and brother. You loved us so well. You worried about us. You were happy with us and sad with us. You found out all the latest fashions and kept me up on things in the community. I just thought you'd always be beside me even into my old age. I thought that one day I'd live out the life I shared with my own mama as I took care of her. I said, Well, Erin will be here to help me too one day. Never in my wildest or most horrible dreams did I even think for a moment that you would go to Heaven and leave me here on earth.
In my heart, there is something that hurts more than anything I've ever experienced now. Because I have experienced a parent's worst child being where I can't reach her... can't touch her, can't wrap my arms around her and tell her it will be o.k.
But, I go back in my mind to when you were just a few weeks old. Oh, how proud we were the day we laid you into Pastor McCurry's big strong hands and gave you back to God to use in any way He saw fit. We never realized, when we promised to raise you to know Jesus and honor God and even allow you to go to the foreign mission field should He call you there, that He would call you back home to Heaven and we'd have to release you into His keeping when you were only 23 years old. We never even imagined that God would take you back to Himself and use your life to touch others even after you were gone. But that was His plan, not ours. Oh, how it hurt. We can't question God's wisdom. But I have wondered so much why He had to do that...why He had to break my crush my heart to bring glory to His name.
But He is God. That's the bottom line. I won't understand. But it doesn't matter.
He helps me to keep living. I don't even know how I live some days when the day is through. I stay up as late as I can so I can get some sleep, even if it is little.
I know that I will wake to another day without you. I savor the moments that I ahve seen visions of you and you were so completely happy in the Father's Heaven. I savor the fleeting moments of light when I can hear you talk to me. Some might thing it strange. But I know that you are only a breath away. That, in Jesus, you live forever and where He is you are there, too. And He is very near. I feel His Holy Presence so much of the time.
I miss you, my angel girl. I have a lifetime of memories with all the fun we had and all the light and love you brought to daddy, me, and David. We will never forget you, my Erin, never...ever. You will live with us until the day we are all together again at last.
I love you a whole bunch (just like we used to say to each other)
February 11, 2011 (just 15 days from your 28th birthday) and I miss you crazy bad! I've cried so many tears God will have to have buckets instead of bottles to hold them all. He said in Psalms He bottles up all our tears. I think I'm cried out and then they start flowing again.


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