Erin Jones written by her grieving mom

Erin Leigh Fitzpatrick Jones made her Heavenly journey on March 2, 2006 at 23 years old. She was as beautiful inside as out and loved everyone. Her thoughts were always of others and she made the world a beautiful place for all who were close to her.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Still missing you

My Erin,
We just had another Christmas, just your daddy, David and me. It still is not the same without you. We think of you still every single day. And now a new year has started. I see many of your friends having babies and getting on with life. But I sure do wish you and I could have seen your babies. I wish I had had grandbabies to brag on like so many I see on facebook. I hope David has children, so I can brag on them. But I will always wonder what your children would have looked like. Would they have had blonde hair and blue eyes, or maybe red hair and green eyes. I know they would have been beautiful, just like you. Christmas always takes me back to your and David's childhood days. I didn't really realize how fun filled they were until now. We had so much fun didn't we. Now it's just very quiet here. We always get David whatever he wants, but there are no little children running around and we don't even go around the other family. It's just too painful.
I know you are in Heaven and these burdens of earth can't hurt you. I'm so glad you aren't having to see the shape the world is in now. People don't seem to care very much about each other anymore. I wish they did. I try to give to others, many times in your memory.
I miss you still, my sweet girl. I always will until I am where you are now.
I love you,