Erin Jones written by her grieving mom

Erin Leigh Fitzpatrick Jones made her Heavenly journey on March 2, 2006 at 23 years old. She was as beautiful inside as out and loved everyone. Her thoughts were always of others and she made the world a beautiful place for all who were close to her.

Friday, October 03, 2008


My sweet Erin,
The seasons of family are coming so swiftly once again. Tuesday I will face another birthday on this earth without you beside me. But I know you will be with me in spirit. I can feel your sweet spirit so often as I walk each day and feel the gentle
breeze on my face. But, oh, how I long for you.
A mother's heart is so broken when her precious child, who she protected and nurtured for so many years is so quickly gone out of her sight to a place she can't reach in life. I remember all the times when you were growing up and I watched you so closely, trying to protect you from all the evils that were in the world to hurt you. I read everything I could get my hands on when you were born to make sure I did it just right. I wanted to be the best mom a child could have. And I wanted, more than anything, for you to have a good, happy, successful life. I bought you the best of things that we could afford, always getting those name brand clothes and shoes you loved.
You added so much joy to mine and your dad's existence. You were always the light of his eyes--you and David and Scott. He loved you more than he could even express. He's told me several times about telling you that Monday night before you left us that you could just have my car and sell yours. That made you happy, didn't it! And he meant it.
David loved you so, too. He plays this Japanese music now and some of it is so sad, expressing his feelings over you being gone, I feel. He told me yesterday that in one song he cries each time he hears it. It is about 'her being gone' and not being able to see her. I know it makes him think of you, his dear sister, who he loved so much.
My baby, rest in peace. We will make it with God's help. That is our only help now.
The family doesn't come round much anymore to offer any comfort. I guess they think we have just 'gotten better', not knowing that we will not get better, just learn to
exist with this pain in our heart, missing you with every breath we take.
But God is more than enough. I know, without doubt that He is taking good care of you and that you are better off than us, here on earth with the sorrows of life.
Daddy and I are trying desperately to make life as good as we can for David. He deserves that. But we will miss you and hurt for you until we can see you again.
Loving you today and everyday,


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