Erin Jones written by her grieving mom

Erin Leigh Fitzpatrick Jones made her Heavenly journey on March 2, 2006 at 23 years old. She was as beautiful inside as out and loved everyone. Her thoughts were always of others and she made the world a beautiful place for all who were close to her.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Christmas 2006

Dear Erin,
This will be our first Christmas apart in 23 years. I walked in Michael's today and the Christmas greenery and flowers seemed to "attack" me-my soul,my spirit. Christmas decorating was your love-your passion. You always wanted to start early and add wonderful and beautiful things each year. Now I can hardly face the greenery, the poinsettias, the lights, the glitter. I just want to run away from it all. It's too real! It's too lonely without you.
All the years of watching the beautiful little blonde headed blue eyed girl that graced our home fly through my mind in waves so often now. The Christmases of the past 23 years and the delight of seeing you and David open your gifts and see the surprise on your faces are ever present in my heart. I see you with your little roadster when you were about 4. The first bike and daddy helping you learn to ride without the training wheels; the endless Barbie's and their clothes, high heels that I'd find buried in the carpet; the tiny little earrings for Barbie; the trunk of toys that spilled out onto your bedroom floor; the little tea parties, especiall the one with daddy sitting in that little bitty yellow chair at your little kitchen set, pretending to sip tea with you; your little ironing board that Bryce played with when she was here; all the fun and laughter and tears and joys of your growing up years. It was a wonderful journey of life with you at our side.
Now you are on a new journey where we couldn't come with you. You have made your Heavenly journey beyond this life into the next. We wonder what it's like where you are. I know you are happy for I have seen you in my dreams--so happy, having so much fun and just as beautiful as you were here, but without the cares of this life. Surely Heaven is a wonderful place and being with Jesus must be the most wonderful of all worlds.
Yes, Erin, Christmas is sad for us here. Our only comfort is knowing that you are in Heaven, not suffering, only laughing and happy and in peace.
It won't be the same without you. But please visit us in our dreams, if the Lord allows.
Missing you and loving you with all our hearts.
Mama, Daddy, David, and Jeff


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